Ideal Enhancement for Your Garlands: It provides a stunning shine that significantly extends the lifespan of your balloons. If exposure to weather, sunlight, or prolonged inflation causes your balloons to lose their luster, our gloss spray will revitalize their shine, making them vibrant once more.
Balloon Shine Spray Gives Such a Professional Look:For all the time and effort you put in making balloon garland. Ultra Shiny Glow Spray is worth every penny to elevate the entire look at next level.
Improved Balloon Presentation: Changing a displaying of balloons for the best,Let the balloons shine forever and in the heat. Best product to invest in when dealing with balloons.
Hi Gloss Formula:Our formula is tailored to provide a long-lasting high gloss appearance for latex balloons, almost instantly. Odorless, non-toxic, safe for your activities. Latex balloons filled with air and helium.
Simple Spray Easy to Use: Spray it on the balloon, leave it for 2 minutes, and wipe it with a towel to make the balloon more shiny. Apply a thin layer of paint on each balloon, which will dry in a few minutes and leave a layer of hi glow and no stripe luster on the balloon.